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Your international partner in overseas real estate investment

Invest globally and securely in real estate in Spain, Dubai, Cyprus, Asia and other countries. We open the door for you to carefully selected investments, offering comprehensive support at every stage of the transaction.

Discover the First in Europe! Portal of investment properties - Skarb Market! 

Discover exclusive deals from Spain, Dubai, Cyprus, Asia, as well as other countries. With our platform, you gain direct access to projects with high growth potential, without middlemen or hidden costs.

Skarb Market portal dla inwestycji w nieruchomości


from best developers


for profitable investments

Skarb Market portal dla inwestycji w nieruchomości


legal support


management service

Our unique ecosystem

For Investor Clients:

  • Investors looking for the best foreign investments receive comprehensive support and access to carefully selected properties.


For Local Skarb Agents:

  • Professionals operating in the client's country, offering personalized service and support in the client's native language.


For Premium Skarb Partners:

  • Leading real estate agencies in target countries (Spain, Dubai, Cyprus, etc.) use our platform to increase sales without additional marketing costs.

Skarb – Twój międzynarodowy partner w zagranicznych inwestycjach w nieruchomości

Skarb Agency – Your real estate portal!

We offer exclusive properties from Spain, Dubai, South and North Cyprus, and Asia. Check apartment prices, analyze the real estate market, and benefit from our professional agency services. Invest with us!

Burj Binghatti Jacob&Co Residences 1_1 Skarb Invest .jpeg




Marina Place 5 Skarb Invest .jpeg




Binghatti Hill Views 6 Skarb Invest .jpeg




Mercedes Benz Places Binghatti Skarb Invest .jpeg




Emaar Beachfront Skarb Invest .jpeg




Binghatti Elite 12 Skarb Invest .jpeg




Binghatti Skyrise 11 Skarb Invest .jpeg




Binghatti Grove 2 Skarb Invest .jpeg




Farm Grove at The Valley 7 Skarb Invest .jpeg





cooperation with us


Exclusive access

to carefully selected properties with high investment potential


Safety of the transaction

thanks to cooperation with licensed agencies and verified developers


Expert support 

at every stage of the investment, in the language of the customer, thanks to the dual support of local agents and Premium Partners


Investment tours

that provide personal insight into real estate and the market


Maximize profits

through market analysis and rental property organization


On-site presence

we operate directly in the countries whose properties we sell, which guarantees in-depth knowledge of the local market

Nieruchomości to od zawsze najlepsza inwestycja, która nigdy nie straci na swojego potencjału w porównaniu z innymi biznesami.  Nieruchomości - najlepszy wybór Wczoraj-Dziś-Jutro!

Looking for an investment in property?

Don't waste your time

We've already found the best deals waiting for you in Skarb Market!

Skarb Market portal dla inwestycji w nieruchomości


The Skarb Market today!

Sign up and discover the world of exclusive foreign investments. Invest globally, earn without borders and grow your capital with the best experts in the market!

£166 000

Northern Cyprus


£187 375

Northern Cyprus


£399 875

Northern Cyprus


£195 000

Northern Cyprus


£174 875

Northern Cyprus


£96 900

Northern Cyprus


More than 95 current projects

from well-known developers

€1 750 000


Sierra Cortina (Benidorm)

€1 400 000



€257 000


Villajoyosa (Benidorm)

€1 250 000



€345 000


Finestrat (Benidorm)

€310 000


Finestrat (Benidorm)

€2 300 000


Sierra Cortina (Benidorm)

€372 500


Finestrat (Benidorm)

€370 000


Finestrat (Benidorm)

An international platform

where you can not only buy, but also sell your vacation property!

Zastanawiałeś się, jak zabezpieczyć swoją przyszłość? Dowiedz się, dlaczego inwestycje w nieruchomości kurortowe mogą być Twoim sposobem na stabilny dochód i finansową niezależność


 Financial Security

Have you ever wondered how to secure your future? 

Discover why investing in resort real estate can be your path to a stable income and financial independence

Take the first step to a good investment 

Choose a country whose market suits your needs

Chcesz zainwestować w nieruchomość nad brzegiem morza, której wzrost kapitalizacji osiąga aż do 70%, a bezodsetkowy plan płatności wynosi nawet 7 lat?  Istnieje dla Ciebie tylko jeden właściwy wybór – Cypr Północny.  Nie wierz w slogany - sprawdź analitykę wzrostu cen i inwestuj mądrze ze Skarb Agency.

Northern Cyprus

Do you want to invest in a coastal property with capitalization increases of up to 70% and an interest-free payment plan of up to 7 years?  There is only one right choice for you - Northern Cyprus.  Don't believe the slogans - check the price growth analytics and invest wisely with Skarb Agency.

Jeśli chcesz zarabiać na wynajmie, w miejscu, gdzie sezon wakacyjny trwa dłużej niż 9 miesięcy w roku, a rynek nieruchomości gwarantuje inwestorom stabilny pasywny dochód z wynajmu, Cypr będzie dla Ciebie najlepszym wyborem.


If you want to earn from rentals, in a place where the holiday season lasts more than 9 months of the year, and the real estate market guarantees investors a stable passive rental income, Cyprus will be the best choice for you.

Jeśli chcesz rozpocząć inwestycję w nieruchomości w jednym z najpopularniejszych krajów turystycznych na świecie, w którym obywatele UE mają możliwość zaciągnięcia kredytu mieszkaniowego na ponad 20 lat, to Hiszpania jest Twoim wyborem!


If you want to start investing in real estate in one of the most popular tourist countries in the world, where EU citizens can take out a home loan for more than 20 years, Spain is your choice!

Jeśli jesteś doświadczonym inwestorem, który jest gotowy do podejmowania szybkich decyzji, to najszybciej rozwijający się rynek nieruchomości na świecie w Dubaju jest właśnie dla Ciebie. Najbardziej atrakcyjne i aktualne oferty nieruchomości są wyprzedawane w ciągu 15 minut.


If you are an experienced investor who is ready to make quick decisions, the fastest growing real estate market in the world in Dubai is just for you. The most attractive and up-to-date property listings are sold out within 15 minutes.

Ważnym czynnikiem, który przemawia za inwestycją w nieruchomości wakacyjne w Południowej Azji, jest rosnący sektor turystyczny w regionie. Coraz więcej osób decyduje się na spędzenie wakacji w tych krajach, co przekłada się na wzrost zapotrzebowania na noclegi.


An important factor in favor of investing in vacation properties in South Asia is the growing tourism sector in the region. More and more people are choosing to spend their vacations in these countries, which translates into an increase in demand for accommodations.

$267 750


Bali (Seseh)

$120 000


Bali (Bukit)

$190 000



in Europe! 

Portal from investment properties

Skarb Market portal dla inwestycji w nieruchomości
Skarb Market portal dla inwestycji w nieruchomości

€ 850 000



€ 980 000



€ 950 000



do you get

As an investor?

Skarb offers

A unique combination of exclusive access to premium foreign real estate and full expert support, allowing you to invest with confidence and achieve maximum profitability.

Co otrzymujesz jako inwestor?
Skarb oferuje unikalne połączenie ekskluzywnego dostępu do premium zagranicznych nieruchomości oraz pełnego wsparcia ekspertów, co pozwala inwestować pewnie i osiągać maksymalną opłacalność.

Benefits and Advantages of Skarb for Clients-Investors

1. Direct access to premium real estate

Exclusive listings: We offer only carefully selected properties with high investment potential and liquidity - from projects in Spain, Dubai, Cyprus, to properties in other leading regions.
No middlemen: You receive offers directly from leading developers and agencies, without unnecessary brokerage costs and hidden commissions.

2. Security and transparency in transactions

Legal purity: We work only with licensed agencies and verified developers, which guarantees the transparency of every stage of the transaction.
Comprehensive support: From the selection of the property to the finalization of the contract, our experts oversee the entire process, ensuring maximum security of the investment.

3. Expert support in your language

Local agent: There is a local Skarb agent in your country who knows your needs and cultural specifics, offering personalized service.
Dual support: Our proven Premium Partners - leading real estate agencies in the country of purchase with in-depth knowledge of the local market - are also involved during the transaction.


4. Investment tours and personal presentations

Personal experience: We organize personalized investment trips to Spain, Dubai, Cyprus, Asia and other regions so you can personally evaluate the property and the market.
Certainty of choice: A direct inspection increases your confidence that you are making the right investment.

5. Maximize profit potential

Market analysis: We conduct detailed analyses, selecting properties with the highest potential for value growth.
Additional opportunities: We help organize rental properties in cooperation with leading management services, enabling you to achieve a stable passive income.

6. Flexible terms of purchase

Financial solutions: We offer various forms of purchase - from installment schemes and mortgages to special investment programs.
Documentation support: We provide consultation on obtaining a “Golden Visa,” residency and favorable tax terms.

Korzyści i Zalety Skarb dla Klientów-Inwestorów

In summary, customers choose Skarb because:

  • They receive professional support at every stage of the transaction - from prospecting to finalization.

  • They are guaranteed legal protection and transparent terms of cooperation.

  • They gain access to the best foreign properties with high income potential and value growth.

  • They can participate in investment trips that allow them to personally familiarize themselves with the properties and infrastructure.

  • They experience a personalized approach through local agents and proven partners in the country of purchase.
    With Skarb, you get a comprehensive solution that makes investing in foreign real estate convenient, secure and extremely profitable.

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